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Respite support for MTA & STA

STA/Respite care is designed to support the well-being of individuals with disabilities and their carers, recognising the importance of regular breaks and support for carers while promoting independence, social engagement, and overall quality of life for individuals with disabilities. The specific funding and eligibility criteria for respite care and STA are determined by the NDIS, and individuals can discuss their specific needs and options with their NDIS planner or support coordinator.
Respite support

Medium-Term Accommodation (MTA) is a type of support available under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia. MTA provides individuals with disabilities a temporary accommodation option for a specified period, typically ranging from three months to 6 months. It is intended to support individuals who require a stable and supported living arrangement for an extended duration, but not on a permanent basis. MTA aims to address specific circumstances where individuals may benefit from longer-term accommodation, such as when transitioning from hospital to community living, during periods of family crisis, or when waiting for longer-term housing solutions to become available.

It provides individuals with a safe, inclusive, and supported living environment that meets their disability-related needs. The eligibility and availability of Medium-Term Accommodation (MTA) supports are determined on a case-by-case basis through discussions with the individual, their support coordinator, and the NDIS planner. These conversations consider the individual’s specific needs, circumstances, and goals to determine the appropriate level and duration of MTA support required.

 It’s important to note that MTA is distinct from Short-Term Accommodation (STA), which provides temporary accommodation for shorter durations (e.g., overnight or weekend stays) to give respite to primary carers.

Respite Care/STA: STA funding provides temporary accommodation and support for individuals with disabilities who require a higher level of care or assistance for a short period. STA can be provided in specialised facilities that are equipped to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities.

It may involve overnight stays or longer stays for a specified duration, such as during weekends or holidays and this also provides temporary relief and support to the primary carers of individuals with disabilities. It allows carers to take a break from their caregiving responsibilities while ensuring that the person with a disability receives appropriate care and support during that time.

Respite care can take various forms, including in-home respite, community-based respite, or overnight respite in a specialised facility. The specific type and duration of respite care are determined based on the needs and preferences of the individual and their carers.

SA Metro Care can assist individuals under STA funding as below:

Provide short-term breaks for carers, allowing them time for rest, rejuvenation, or attending to other personal commitments.
Enable individuals with disabilities to engage in social and recreational activities outside their regular caregiving environment.
Offer opportunities for individuals to develop independence, social skills, and community connections.
Provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals with disabilities, tailored to their specific needs.
Provide a temporary supportive living environment for individuals with disabilities, especially when their usual carers are unavailable or require a break.
Deliver specialised care and support based on the individual's needs, including personal care, meal assistance, and participation in recreational activities.
We offer a range of exciting excursions, including trips to local attractions, parks, museums and other places of interest, allowing individuals to explore their community and participate in new experiences.
Assist individuals in developing independent living skills and enhancing their social and community participation.
Offer a transition or respite option for individuals who are moving between different accommodation arrangements or undergoing changes in their support needs.

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